October 24th | Rainy Days, Cookies & Mental Heath

Helena Lawrence
3 min readOct 24, 2020

Rainy days, what do you do with them? Light a fire and watch a copious amount of movies of course.

My choice of movie, The Grinch. And is it Christmas time? Nope. Do I care? Nope :) It’s never too early to get in the Christmas spirit. I just got out all my Christmas decorations (just to look at, cause why not) and got sooo excited. It would be great skip past November and go straight to December, then it would really feel real. But I can’t do that. What actually happens in November…? Not much where I’m from anyway. No hate to those born in November XD

So, I want to talk a bit about mental health. On days like today, it can become very easy to slip into a bad mindset and get stuck in your thoughts. There isn’t much to do, and especially of those living on their own, finding a distraction can prove to be difficult.

I’m no expert, but these are some coping mechanisms I find help me when I’m feeling down.

- Going outside and breathing in some fresh air

- Spending time with an animal

- Getting lost in a good book

- Watching videos/movies that make you laugh

- Baking delicious treats (and then eating the whole batch with your video/movie XD)

Remember, it is okay to be not okay. When you’re struggling, try to find little moments of happiness in your day. They may not be much in the grand scheme of things, but they’re your moments, and they matter to you. Doing this can help you see that there is good in every day, sometimes you just have to search a little harder for it. It’s a bad day, not a bad life x

On a more positive note, even though this weather isn’t everyone’s favourite, you have to admit, it is quite beautiful. I am very lucky where I live, the views are like out of a movie (although my photography skills definitely do not do them justice.)

So, even if it isn’t raining where your are today, try to make the most out of it. Go for a walk, talk to family or friends (or your fluffy companion) bake the most amazing chocolate chip cookies ever. Actually, I have recipe for the best choc-chip cookies ever, it’s not mine, but I’ve been using it for years. And let me tell you, they’re heckin great.

Gooseberry Patch Giant Chocolate Chip Cookies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t17F8RhVcV8

Give them a go, I guarantee you wont regret it.

Enjoy the rest of your day loves.

Helena x



Helena Lawrence

Hey! So, I'm new to this blogging thing, so I have no idea how this will go. But if you're interested, stick around and watch my life unfold in pretty fonts :)